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Friday, December 24, 2010

Noah's Ark or Nuh's Ark

Who is Noah or Nuh? Noah or Nuh is the same people. So here i will just call him Noah. This Noah, we can discuss it from 3 different types of perspectives. The different perspectives are from Jewish view, Christian View and from Islamic view. 

Based on the reliable sources, true Jews, Christian and Islam believed that Noah is a Prophet because it is  written in their Holy book. But these three religions have their own story about Prophet Noah. Why this things happened? Because mankind have changed their content of their Holy Book except Al-Quran. 

If we cut off half of the story about Prophet Noah, his story is about one man who preach to his own people to accept a peaceful yield to the god. It is mankind's obduracy which eventually brings the wrath of God on the unbelievers. Then Prophet Noah received order from God to build Ark ship for preparation of the flood and leave the disbelievers. He was told to bring his family and a large number of animal in pairs. After finish building the ship, 7 days after that a big flood came for 40 days and 40 nights. 150 days after that water start slowing receding. The disbeliever were gone and only true believers survive after the flood finish. 

While routinely examining aerial photos of his country, a Turkish army captain suddenly gaped at a picture... There, on a mountain 20 miles south of Mt. Ararat, the biblical landfall of Noah's Ark, was a boat-shaped form about 500-515 feet long. The captain passed on the word. Soon an expedition including American scientists set out for the site.

At 7,000 feet, in the midst of crevasses and landslide debris, the explorers found a clear, grassy area shaped like a ship and rimmed with steep, packed-earth sides. Its dimensions are close to those given in Genesis: 'The length of the ark shall be 300 cubits, the breadth of it 50 cubits, and the height of it 30 cubits,' that is, 450x75x45 feet. A quick two-day survey was made. A scientist in the group says "a ship-like object that has almost unbroken symmetry."

Original 1959 Photo of the "Boat Shape".
The picture was taken in 1959 by the Turkish Captain Ilhan Durupinar during a NATO mapping mission. (He was still alive in Sept. 2007.)

Located 6,375 feet above sea level.

Turkey announces discovery of Noah's Ark. 

Noah's Ark Found in Turkey Videos

Path of the Ark (Boat) 

Noah's Ark Photos

Anchor Stones were used by Noah 

Great Evidence

Newspaper Clips 

Monday, November 1, 2010


Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of the process of thinking and of emotional responsiveness. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinationsparanoid or bizarre delusions, ordisorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of around 1.5%. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior.

Do you think this could not happen to you or your surroundings? Much people have this kind of mental disorder, but just didn't know about it. For my experience, i have seen this kind of mental disorder, in my friends and mostly i do think this mental disorder always happened to students. I mean the earlier stage of this disease.

My friend has some symptoms making me thinking that he maybe having Schizophrenia. He is someone who really don't have confidence before i met him. He cannot walk through of a restaurant, he is thinking everybody was looking at him, he cannot be left alone at restaurant even i wanna go to toilet. He is always forgetting what he has already said to me, and cannot act normal when i bring new people to meet him. 

He becomes nervous and will acting really different than his original behavior. He often misplaced things, cant remember exactly some scene that just happened after few minutes. He sleep over and over, sometimes he can sleep for 16 hours then wake up for 30 minutes, then continue sleeping. That is all about him.

Schizophrenia patients always thinking about something that he/she feel sorry for or regret in her/his life. In this situation, they will always be quiet and want to be alone. They feel ashamed of themselves for what had happened in their life or because of them. They didn't feel to bath, rarely feel to shower. 

Sometimes, this patients still know to think, and still know about news and even know how to solve a problem. These schizophrenia patients can work even having these kind of symptoms. In public, sometimes they look normal until we have a little chat with them then we know something is wrong. These patients also can come from people with professional job such as engineer, lawyer and architect.

Having a low confidence or no confidence at all is the most symptoms that we the normal can see through them. The other or the higher stage of this disease are the dangerous part of this mental disorder. Sometimes, they can hurt people even kill people.

They can be dangerous if the hallucinations come out and asking them to do something dangerous or if they are under pressure. Hallucinations is part of when they see something that we normal people cannot see it because it is not exist. This is happen when they got something pressure in their head then suddenly try to forget about it but creating another scene that even did not exist. 

When this happened, they will be in their world and this is higher stage of Schizophrenia. They will not know about us or about normal life because they are in their world. There are many treatment for this kind of patients. For earlier stage of these mental disorder, i suggest family treatment.

Every illness in this world have their own cure. People out there, who have this problem in your family or friends, do take it seriously in helping them. They need your help. Whatever they have done before, forgive them and give them chances. Take that whatever happened before as conjecture in your life. Don't blame all past to them. Have a nice day :)  

Where is Osama bin Laden?

There are 3 types of perception about this Osama bin Laden. First, from the media of West and United States of America. Second, from Muslim and Islamic world. Third, from people who did research and came into one conclusion. I will write about this 3 types of perception, but none of us know the truth. It's all about OPINION.

West and United States of America's perception

They said Osama bin Laden is the founder of Al-Qaeda in 1988 during the Afghan war. Their goals were the advancement of Islamic revolutions throughout the Muslim world and repelling foreign intervention in the Middle East. They said he is a son of a billionaire Saudi businessman, became involved into war in Afghanistan. Considered the world's foremost terrorist, Osama bin Laden is the leader of a terrorist organization known as Al-Qaeda, or "The Base." Bin Laden is the alleged perpetrator of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks that destroyed the World Trade Center, damaged part of the Pentagon, and resulted in a plane crash in Pennsylvania. At first he denied involvement in the attacks, referring to them, through an aid, as "punishment from Allah." In recent years he has taken responsibility for "inspiring" the events of Sept. 11, 2001. 

Bin Laden has been implicated in a string of deadly attacks on the United States and its allies: the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; the 1998 bombings at the U.S. embassies in Kenya and Tanzania that killed more than 200; and the 2000 bombing of the USS Cole in Yemen. Bin Laden also claims responsibility for a 1993 gunfight that killed 18 U.S. troops in Somalia and the 1996 bombing of the Khobar military complex in Saudi Arabia that left 19 U.S. soldiers dead. That is how they saw in Osama bin Laden.

Muslim and Islamic world's perception

In Islamic world sometimes they do think that Osama bin Laden is a hero. They think that this Osama Laden fight for Islam. Some of them maybe. Maybe yes maybe no. I don't know how it really happen in their country. But some Muslim maybe because they didn't know what really happen, but they know this Osama is Muslim too, that is why they think they should support him and they took all the criticism from West as lie or conspiracy. 

Some Muslims thought Osama is the real hero because he is brave, and maybe he is fighting for Islam. Surely, they think Osama should protect his country, or Muslim's country because in Islam world, every Muslims are brothers or get real close connection to each other. But not all of them are thinking like this. Some of them are radical, and some of them are not, and even some of them are liberal.

People who did research's perception

Lately, i have seen there are a lot of people who do research about Osama and made a conclusion and want all of us know the truth. I do remember some of the names. Noreaga is one of them. I can't remember the spelling of his name. He is doing some research right now with full details. So based by his opinion and other researchers, they came in one conclusion. Osama is an agent CIA.

Can they prove it? How could they? Will you believe it? Maybe. So some of them found that this Osama is an agent from CIA so all of the propaganda about him before are totally bullshit. Either from West world, nor from Islamic World. Some of this make sense. I just have picture from the resources. So how do we know this is the truth?

None of us will know the truth. We cannot judge this. We just can make an opinion. This is one of the pictures.

They said Osama Laden A.K.A. "Tim Osman". And he is made in USA. He is agent CIA? This is the evidence? You let yourself decide that. These is some other pictures. 

I don't really know about this. Is this the same person? I hope not. How can that person Osama, in Muslim perception become this Tim Osama, the afro dreadlock hairstyle or whatever they called it. If this is the truth, then we know that USA is behind of all this. People of USA or citizen in USA maybe don't know about this.

It is all about politic and conspiracy. Maybe there is someone behind USA that really powerful create this. About 11th of Sept, Osama has nothing to do with that? So, who attacked USA? Their OWN government. Thanks for reading. 

here is some information Click here 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Christian and Muslim. Conclusion.

First of this, i want you. the reader of this blog KNOW that this is just my OPINION based of some fact. So after you read this, it's depend on you to believe it or not and judge it by yourself.


A Christian is a person who adheres to Christianity based on the life of Jesus(in Arabic is Isa) who Christians believe is the Messiah. Most Christian believed in Trinity, a description of God as Father, as Son, and as Holy Spirit. This includes Roman CatholicismOrthodox Christianity, and the vast majority of Protestantism. A minority are Nontrinitarians. The term "Christian" is also used adjectivally to describe anything associated with Christianity, or in a proverbial sense "all that is noble, and good, and Christ-like."


A Muslim or Moslem is an adherent of the religion of Islam. Literally, the word means "one who submit to God". Muslim believe there is only one God in this world, called Allah in Arabic. Muslims also believe that Islam existed long before Muhammad though it was not called Islam until the revelation of Surah al-Ma'ida. Muslims believe that this religion had evolved with time from the time of Adam until the time of Muhammad and was completed with the revelation of verse 3 of Surah al-Ma'ida:

This day have I perfected your religion for you, completed My favour upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as your religion.

The majority of Muslims accept as a Muslim anyone who has publicly pronounced the Shahadah(declaration of faith) which states,
Ash-hadu an laa ilaha illa-lah
Wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan rasulullah

"I bear witness there is no deity worthy of worship except Allah and I bear witness, Muhammad is His messenger". 

So, what is the conclusion?

Based on what i have studied for 21 years, i decided to write it in this blog. You may comment my writing after this, but forgive me if i have made some mistakes here. Firstly, from the Islamic view, they believed that Jesus(Isa) is one of their prophet but with different story from the Christian. The Christian believed that Jesus has been killed on the cross to redeem mankind while Muslim believed that Jesus(Isa) has has not been killed but He has been replaced with another human that looks like Him.

All Muslims do believe Jesus(Isa) is one of the Messenger of one God but some Christian believe this and some of them did not believe this. Both of Christians and Muslims believe that Jesus(Isa) was born of a Virgin Mother. There are just a few of differences in terms of belief about the nature and life about this messenger. But here i will tell you why these differences happened.

It is about a story that billions of Muslim and Christian believed about this Jesus(Isa) as their prophet. Muslim does believes in Jesus(Isa) and Mosses(Musa). Again and again in Quran told that this Quran brought to human is not to eliminate or to cancel out the other scripture in the past such as Torah and Bible. Many story in Bible also can be found in Quran. If you studied both of them, you can found that many character found in Quran can also be found in Bible.

But in new Bible sometimes you found the differences of translation than the old Bible. The main Biblical characters are the main Quranic characters. Jesus(Isa) was mentioned about 154 times in Quran! But why aren't the similarities ever highlighted? Why hasn't this story been brought into spotlight? Why should we view each other as different, and most dangerously, as enemies? 

Because divide and conquer is the motto, and creating the differences and divisions is a valuable tool that serves those in power. The next question that you should ask yourself(for christians), what can we discover in the Bible to further solidify the common message? Prophet Muhammad is in the Bible! Prophet Muhammad was mentioned in the Old Bible, in Hebrew language. It was pronounced as "Machmad". The name "Machmad" is present in Hebrew version, but why isn't it present in the English version?

Old Bible

When Roman had been built by Constantine, Constantine was pretending to adheres the Christianity but actually he is a pagan Emperor. He made the Christianity official religion because of political reason. Jesus establishment as the "Son of God" was officially proposed and voted on by the Council of Nicaea. Until that moment in history, Jesus was viewed by his followers as mortal prophet. 

Did the emperor of Roman, Constantine only choose some Gospel by his opinion to be included in new Bible? Over than 80 Gospel were considered for the new Bible. Constantine commissioned and financed a new Bible, which ommitted those gospels that spoke of Christ's human traits and embellished those Gospels that made Him godlike. The earlier Gospels were OUTLAW, gathered up and BURNED

Here i posted a video to full discover of the Original Bible

Another video about old christian documents proof Jesus wasn't God but a Prophet.

The Bibble already mentioned about Muhammad will come as Prophet or the last Prophet. Then what is the real conclusion here? If the follower of Christian is following the TRUE or REAL Bibble then it is the real path. Just remember, what is Islam? Islam mean 'one who submit to god'. Anybody can be that but by following the true of the Divine Book. 

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Jakarta and Malaysia should be friends



Both of them speak about the same language. Both of them share the same race in large population. Both of them also share the same culture on large population. Sometimes, they even share the same tradition and even    
religion! Then why should they declare war??

Who started this?

No one should be blame here. But i will tell you why and what makes this problem started. Firstly, these things happened because of SOME evil person of both country. One does evil enough when one does nothing good. That is some quotes i have taken from German proverb. I do think people of Indonesia get angry because of indonesian maid get abused in Malaysia. But, they cannot blame all people in Malaysia because of that. Malaysia is a country that have straight law and anyone who did illegal will be punish immediately. 

In my opinion, Malaysia really want to make this problem settled from the beginning of this issues. Malaysian people also seems calm confront this situation. When 4 Malaysian peoples try launch raid in front of Indonesia embassy building in Malaysia, all of them get caught immediately. Malaysian police did not want anything worser happen. Sometimes, Indonesian people have to think about SOME of their people that live in Malaysia doing bad things and crimes. Malaysia did not blame this on Indonesia. There are good and bad peoples in this world.

Both country should not be blame. It is not because of their government, but it is about SOME of their citizen. I mean both citizen here. I have some story of my friend here who is Malaysian and he told me about his vacation to Jakarta and Bandung. When he arrived at Jakarta airport(im not sure about the airport's name) he runs into security check then suddenly one of the security yell at him and ask him to open his bag and even his socks! But that is still okay as the security was doing his job until he whispered to my friend, "don't be comfortable in my country and don't let me meet you after this". Wow! I was surprised when my friend told me about this.  
So what are these people thinking? They are hurting Indonesia more by causing havoc, as tourists will definitely be afraid to visit. I know, their views might not be shared by every Indonesian but it’s a disgrace to both countries. These are the same people who called their own President cowards. I personally view them as extremists. Nothing extreme is good. My friend want to leave a message here. "To Malaysians, please be civilized and not to do anything stupid. Does not mean that you can’t argue, but do it nicely so that we all can be good friends someday." 

Have you heard ' The Arrival ' ?

'The Arrival' video. This is not about some alien coming to our world and also not about a movie. Have you heard about this? This video is created by some guys that travel all around the world just to find the truth. And it is about the arrival of the dajjal. Do you believe in this? Do you know what is ' Dajjal ' ? Dajjal maybe comes from Arabic word with the meaning 'deceiving' used in the sense of  'false prophet'. He is also known as Anti-Christ. It is an evil figure in Islamic eschatology. In Islamic view, this Dajjal will come out at the end of this world and pretending to be prophet or 'messiah'. So at that time, the true believer will find out this fake prophet but people with the wrong path will follow this Dajjal. It is said that he will have right eye damaged and the left will be working because knowledge acquired through the right eye can be nūrī (means that pertaining to light) and through the left nārī (that pertaining to fire). It is also said that he will have the word kafir (nonbeliever) on his forehead. 

So what did this 'The Arrival' video want us to know? You have to watch it yourself. Here i posted some link to 'The Arrival' video. You have to watch this. Seriously. I cannot comment much about this video since it is depend how people judge this video. Everyone have their own opinions. But, do let me know about your opinion and leave comment here. I posted part 1 of the video here.

Seriously, something is wrong with YOUTUBE.COM because they have disabled the audio of above video link i have given here! Did we heard them say, "freedom of speech" ? This series of 'The Arrival' actually contain about 51 part if it's not my mistake. But i just posted 10 of them here.