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Jakarta and Malaysia should be friends



Both of them speak about the same language. Both of them share the same race in large population. Both of them also share the same culture on large population. Sometimes, they even share the same tradition and even     
religion! Then why should they declare war??

Who started this?

No one should be blame here. But i will tell you why and what makes this problem started. Firstly, these things happened because of SOME evil person of both country. One does evil enough when one does nothing good. That is some quotes i have taken from German proverb. I do think people of Indonesia get angry because of indonesian maid get abused in Malaysia. But, they cannot blame all people in Malaysia because of that. Malaysia is a country that have straight law and anyone who did illegal will be punish immediately. 

In my opinion, Malaysia really want to make this problem settled from the beginning of this issues. Malaysian people also seems calm confront this situation. When 4 Malaysian peoples try launch raid in front of Indonesia embassy building in Malaysia, all of them get caught immediately. Malaysian police did not want anything worser happen. Sometimes, Indonesian people have to think about SOME of their people that live in Malaysia doing bad things and crimes. Malaysia did not blame this on Indonesia. There are good and bad peoples in this world.

Both country should not be blame. It is not because of their government, but it is about SOME of their citizen. I mean both citizen here. I have some story of my friend here who is Malaysian and he told me about his vacation to Jakarta and Bandung. When he arrived at Jakarta airport(im not sure about the airport's name) he runs into security check then suddenly one of the security yell at him and ask him to open his bag and even his socks! But that is still okay as the security was doing his job until he whispered to my friend, "don't be comfortable in my country and don't let me meet you after this". Wow! I was surprised when my friend told me about this.  
So what are these people thinking? They are hurting Indonesia more by causing havoc, as tourists will definitely be afraid to visit. I know, their views might not be shared by every Indonesian but it’s a disgrace to both countries. These are the same people who called their own President cowards. I personally view them as extremists. Nothing extreme is good. My friend want to leave a message here. "To Malaysians, please be civilized and not to do anything stupid. Does not mean that you can’t argue, but do it nicely so that we all can be good friends someday."