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Schizophrenia is a mental disorder characterized by a disintegration of the process of thinking and of emotional responsiveness. It most commonly manifests as auditory hallucinationsparanoid or bizarre delusions, ordisorganized speech and thinking, and it is accompanied by significant social or occupational dysfunction. The onset of symptoms typically occurs in young adulthood, with a global lifetime prevalence of around 1.5%. Diagnosis is based on the patient's self-reported experiences and observed behavior.

Do you think this could not happen to you or your surroundings? Much people have this kind of mental disorder, but just didn't know about it. For my experience, i have seen this kind of mental disorder, in my friends and mostly i do think this mental disorder always happened to students. I mean the earlier stage of this disease.

My friend has some symptoms making me thinking that he maybe having Schizophrenia. He is someone who really don't have confidence before i met him. He cannot walk through of a restaurant, he is thinking everybody was looking at him, he cannot be left alone at restaurant even i wanna go to toilet. He is always forgetting what he has already said to me, and cannot act normal when i bring new people to meet him. 

He becomes nervous and will acting really different than his original behavior. He often misplaced things, cant remember exactly some scene that just happened after few minutes. He sleep over and over, sometimes he can sleep for 16 hours then wake up for 30 minutes, then continue sleeping. That is all about him.

Schizophrenia patients always thinking about something that he/she feel sorry for or regret in her/his life. In this situation, they will always be quiet and want to be alone. They feel ashamed of themselves for what had happened in their life or because of them. They didn't feel to bath, rarely feel to shower. 

Sometimes, this patients still know to think, and still know about news and even know how to solve a problem. These schizophrenia patients can work even having these kind of symptoms. In public, sometimes they look normal until we have a little chat with them then we know something is wrong. These patients also can come from people with professional job such as engineer, lawyer and architect.

Having a low confidence or no confidence at all is the most symptoms that we the normal can see through them. The other or the higher stage of this disease are the dangerous part of this mental disorder. Sometimes, they can hurt people even kill people.

They can be dangerous if the hallucinations come out and asking them to do something dangerous or if they are under pressure. Hallucinations is part of when they see something that we normal people cannot see it because it is not exist. This is happen when they got something pressure in their head then suddenly try to forget about it but creating another scene that even did not exist. 

When this happened, they will be in their world and this is higher stage of Schizophrenia. They will not know about us or about normal life because they are in their world. There are many treatment for this kind of patients. For earlier stage of these mental disorder, i suggest family treatment.

Every illness in this world have their own cure. People out there, who have this problem in your family or friends, do take it seriously in helping them. They need your help. Whatever they have done before, forgive them and give them chances. Take that whatever happened before as conjecture in your life. Don't blame all past to them. Have a nice day :)